Wednesday, September 21, 2005

To Boldly Go Where All You Fuckers Have Been Going For Years Now

That's right. After years of resisting the blog phenom, I have finally started a blog. Why? So I can kick it off with a title that includes 'You Fuckers.' Okay, really it was done so I could post a knee-jerk obnoxious comment to a buddy's blog. So said buddy will probably be the first to see this.

As for the rest of you: Honestly, why are you wasting your time here?


Fashionpolice said...

I followed the path from your buddy's blog....

I thought, "Geez, I never knew Splitcoil had a blog."

Now I found out that you didn't ...until a week ago.


Splitcoil said...

: )

Tim Akers said...

You fuckers.